• 1st Floor, Office Building, 56 Hoang Dieu 2, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc City, City. HCM
  • (028) 38.971.631

Closing ceremony of accreditation and evaluation of training programs according to AUN-QA standards

On the morning of April 18, 2024, Ho Chi Minh City Banking University (HUB) held the closing ceremony of the training program quality accreditation according to AUN-QA standards. After 3 days of working at the HUB, the evaluation team summarized and mentioned the strengths, potentials and areas needing improvement according to the AUN-QA 4.0 standards of the two Finance training programs and the Finance training program. Create a School Bank.

Overview of the closing session

      Attending the closing session, on the AUN - QA side, there were Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin - Head of the team evaluating the training program of the Faculty of Banking; Associate Professor, Dr. Marlene M. De Leon and Mr. Prem Anand M Arjunan - Head of the training program evaluation team of the Faculty of Finance and AUN - QA experts: Mr. KornRatanagosoom and Mr. Gaetan Guichard Sutthanunt; Associate Professor, Dr. Ir. Aulia Siti Aissyah and observers from Tay Nguyen University.

Overview of the closing session

       On the side of City University of Banking. Ho Chi Minh has Associate Professor, PhD. Doan Thanh Ha - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council; Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duc Trung - Principal, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the School Council; Associate Professor. Dr. Ha Thi Thieu Dao – Vice Principal ; Dr. Mr. Van Nam – Head of Testing and Quality Assurance Department; Dr. Nguyen Anh Vu - Dean of the Faculty of Finance; Associate Professor, PhD. Phan Dien Vy - Dean of the Faculty of Banking and representatives of the leaders of the faculties, leaders of units throughout the school, related functional units, along with lecturers, officials and students of 2 Faculties with programs evaluated by the University. school.

Mr. Prem Anand M Arjunan and Associate Professor Dr. Marlene M. De Leon represented the evaluation team and gave comments on the Finance industry. For the Banking industry, Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin and Associate Professor, Dr. Ir. Aulia Siti Aissyah presented what was good and what needed improvement. The entire assessment process is based on the AUN-QA standards framework including: desired criteria, teaching content, teaching methods, student assessment, teaching team, support services students, facilities, teaching results. The criteria are evaluated on a scale of 1-7.

Mr. Prem Anand M Arjunan presented the evaluation criteria at the Faculty of Finance

        Accordingly, the delegation highly appreciated HUB for having good policies to support lecturers in developing their teaching and scientific research careers; HUB has a curriculum comparable to international schools such as Griffith - Australia; HUB's training program applies according to the PDCA process; HUB strongly promotes the application of advanced techniques in teaching; HUB has good cooperative relationships with businesses to support teaching and employment output; HUB has good cooperation with the alumni network and receives many high-value funding sources in teaching such as Lab rooms, Blockchain rooms, promoting human resource development to meet market needs; HUB has very good facilities, meeting all student needs in one place; HUB provides students with many good skills, so the rate of students having jobs after graduation is very high; HUB invests in teaching through group activities and extracurricular activities; HUB supports student consulting very well. The evaluation team also pointed out points that need improvement to help HUB achieve its vision and mission of developing leading education in Southeast Asia.

Associate Professor, Dr. Ir. Aulia Siti Aissyah gave a presentation on assessment criteria at the Faculty of Banking

        Speaking at the Closing session, Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin - Head of the training program evaluation team according to AUN-QA standards summarized the contents presented by the presenters. He appreciated the fact that HUB closely follows the evaluation criteria that have been introduced since 2019 and continuously improves every day to develop education. We hope that the preliminary reports at the Closing Session in 2024 will help HUB in developing the University even more strongly.

Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin - Head of the training program evaluation team according to AUN-QA standards represented the concluding speech.

        Speaking at the closing session, Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duc Trung - Principal thanked the enthusiastic, serious and professional working spirit of AUN-QA's assessment experts and all members participating in this assessment. Comments and assessments on the strengths and content needing improvement of the two Finance and Banking programs will motivate and encourage HUB's staff and lecturers to continue to improve the quality of teaching and enhance the quality of teaching. The quality of the program is getting better and better and affirms that it will continue to prepare the necessary conditions to evaluate other training programs of the school. Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duc Trung emphasized that with the efforts of the HUB Ecosystem, we will try our best to get from "Good to Great" as stated by the evaluation team.

Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duc Trung spoke at the closing session

        It is known that during the accreditation period, experts participated in activities at units within the University by interviewing relevant subjects including staff, lecturers, students, alumni, and other related subjects. employer…. to inspect and visit the school's facilities such as the library, classroom, medical room, sports area, lecturer's dormitory, auditorium, self-study area, canteen, practice room, and dormitory. dormitories,... at all 3 campuses in Thu Duc and District 1. It is expected that the results of the evaluation of the two Finance training programs and the Banking training program according to HUB's AUN-QA standards will officially be announced. after 02 months from the date of assessment.

        The process of improving the quality of training programs at HUB has been built to create a quality culture throughout the school over the years. HUB is proud to be one of the universities in Vietnam with 100% of its training programs accredited by AUN-QA and MOET. In the coming period, HUB will proceed to AUN-QA accreditation of educational institutions and European FIBBA standards in the 2024-2025 school year.

Some pictures at the ceremony:

Faculty of Finance - HUB

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    1st Floor, Office Building, 56 Hoang Dieu 2, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc City, City. HCM

    (028) 38.971.631

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