• 1st Floor, Office Building, 56 Hoang Dieu 2, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc City, City. HCM
  • (028) 38.971.631

The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards

From April 16 to 18, 2024, the Faculty of Finance - Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City (FOF-HUB) completed the re-evaluation of the training program according to AUN-QA Standards for training programs. Create a major in Finance.

The Opening Ceremony was solemnly held in the Great Hall with the participation of Associate Professor, PhD. Doan Thanh Ha - Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the School Council; Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duc Trung - Principal, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the School Council; Associate Professor. Dr. Ha Thi Thieu Dao – Vice Principal; Dr. Mr. Van Nam – Head of Testing and Quality Assurance Department; Dr. Nguyen Anh Vu - Dean of the Faculty of Finance; Associate Professor, PhD. Phan Dien Vy - Dean of the Faculty of Banking and representatives of faculty leaders, leaders of units throughout the school, related functional units, lecturers, officials and nearly 800 students of the Faculty of Finance and Faculty of Banking - 02 units with training programs were re-evaluated this time.

         On the AUN - QA side, there was the participation of Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin - Head of the Banking program evaluation team; ProfDr. Ir. Aulia Siti Aissyah – Member of the Banking program evaluation team; Mr. Prem Anand M Arjunan - Head of the Finance program evaluation team; Assoc Prof. Dr. Marlene M. De Leon – Member of the Finance - QA program evaluation team; Mr. KornRatanagosoom, Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Secretary of AUN - QA Office and Mr. Gaetan Guichard Sutthanunt, specialist in charge of the AUN program; and observers from Tay Nguyen University.

The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Lecturers of the Faculty of Finance took photos with the Board of Directors and the evaluation team at the opening ceremony

During 03 working days, the external assessment team of AUN - QA conducted activities such as comparing and checking evidence documents, visiting and inspecting facilities and practice rooms of the Faculty and School, Work with the Faculty leadership, report writing team (SAR Team), interview teaching staff, interview students, interview alumni, interview employers to evaluate specifically and objectively. , comprehensive training program.

The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Working session with the Faculty Leadership and the Self-Assessment Report Writing Team (SAR Team).
The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Working session with teaching staff


The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Working session with students


The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Working session with alumni
The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Working session with Recruiter
The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
The evaluation team took souvenir photos with the school leaders, the Board of Directors and the faculty of the Faculty of Finance

In May 2019, the Finance training program of the Faculty of Finance was awarded AUN - QA accreditation certificate. Based on the recommendations of AUN - QA, regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, and the University's orientation, the Faculty has made improvements in the construction and implementation of training programs. Specifically, the 2021 Finance specialized training program has been built and operated according to an output-based approach (Outcome Based Education - OBE). All stages of program design, construction, and operation are carried out consistently, from the vision, mission, and educational philosophy of the School and the Faculty to the training program output standards and program framework. training, subject output standards, subject content, implementation of teaching and learning, assessment organization, quality of lecturers, facilities, student support... in order to achieve output standards as committed.

In this 2024 evaluation cycle, FOF-HUB's specialized Finance training program is accredited according to AUN-QA standards version 4.0. This version is used to evaluate training program levels including the following 8 standards: (1) Expected Learning Outcomes ; (2) Program Structure and Content ( Program Structure and Content ); (3) Teaching and Learning Approach ; (4) Student Assessment ( Student Assessment ); (5) Academic Staff ; (6) Student Support Services ( Student Support Services ); (7) Facilities and infrastructure ( Facilities and Infrastructure ); (8) Output and Outcomes . AUN-QA ( ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance ) is a set of standards with specific, clear criteria, comprehensive evaluation of training programs from many aspects.

To effectively complete accreditation activities, under the close leadership of the School Council, Board of Directors, and support from the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance, the Faculty of Finance has focused on preparing and providing reports. Self-assessment report, necessary documents and evidence, and actively participate in interview sessions with assessment team members. After more than two years of preparation and three days of working directly with the evaluation team seriously and effectively, the closing ceremony of the evaluation activity took place solemnly on the morning of April 18, 2024.

The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Picture of evaluators reporting on the Finance program

The evaluation team, through reports and demonstrations, along with feedback from relevant parties, recognized the strengths and efforts to improve the training program and operations of the School and Faculty. The PDCA ( Plan-Do-Check-Act ) process has been specifically shown in all assessment standards. At the same time, the Evaluation Team also proposed valuable recommendations, helping the Faculty and the University have a reliable basis to continuously improve, perfect and enhance the quality of training programs in the present and the future. contributing to the overall and sustainable development of the Faculty of Finance in particular and Ho Chi Minh City Banking University in general.

The Faculty of Finance completed the re-evaluation of the Finance major training program according to the AUN - QA standards set
Closing ceremony image

With the mission of providing human resources with integrity and professionalism; influential academic and practical research; with consulting services and community service activities appropriate to resources; FOF-HUB is deeply aware of constantly improving and enhancing the quality of operations, especially the quality of training programs.

News story: Faculty of Finance

Image: Admissions & Communications Department

Faculty of Finance - HUB

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    1st Floor, Office Building, 56 Hoang Dieu 2, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc City, City. HCM

    (028) 38.971.631

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